Mobile Money Transfer Service
(MMTS) ready to launch in HCR- Two sessions training programme
conducted to the Hyderabad city region Postal Staff / ASPOs at Committee hall of Circle office on today (12.08.2013) The CPMG, A.P circle Sri B V Sudhakar, has
given introduction speech of this
service and said that this service more convenient to the customer. And explained other new product named “Aasservachanm” which is like emo to send
money orders from devotees to the
temples. And they will receive acknowledgement (asservachanm with image
of god from temple etc., ) . Course conducted by Sri
Anil Berju ( J &K ) . Key features of this product is Easy, fast, flexible. The mmts Slabs are from Rs. 1000- 1500
commission Rs.45, 1501- 5000 Rs.79, from 5001- 10000 rs.112. Customer can
approach the post office remit money and obtain secret code (6 digit) and Transaction ID (12 digit) to his mobile. Payee also get information through sms about money was sent from cell no.
of remitter. Then payee obtain secret
code form remitter and approach the office for payment. By presenting secret code and mobile number he will get
payment. The MMTS sets are ready and
service will be launched soon.
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