Saturday, March 29, 2014


Post Offices For Which 31.03.2014 Is Holiday

1.       Ensure that 31.03.2014 is available in the Holiday List initialized in Sanchay Post. If not, initialize the same before Day End of 29.03.2014.
2.       Perform Day Begin for 01.04.2014
3.       Download the Patch “SCS_April_SI.exe” from SDC site & run the exe.
4.       SI will be executed on 01.04.2014 as per the new rule in the SB order 05/2014 dated 24.03.2014.
5.       Correctness of SI entries posted may be ensured at your end.

Post Offices For Which 31.03.2014 Is Not Holiday

1.       SI entries will be executed on Day Begin of 31.03.2014 as per the usual procedure.
2.       Payment may be made as per the new rule in the SB order 05/2014 dated 24.03.2014.


Friday, March 28, 2014

Deptl Examination for promotion to the Cadre of PO & RMS  Accountants to be held on 25.05.2014 -  Notification issued by C.O  : Hyderabad.
REVISED RATE OF D.A orders issued :--

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Need for  increase of  time for submission of  PA/ SA 2014  Direct recruitment:-
The PA /SA DR exam  2014  last date fixed for on line submission is  27.03.2014.  By observing at  Post offices  there have been a limited response due to the following reasons:-

1)      The given website : www.pasadrexam2014,in  which is very slow and not connecting for many hours.
2)      Some times stops with error  SERVER Error 503 etc.,
3)      Aspirants are  more than applied candidates. 
4)      The process is some what lengthy.
5)      Especially rural candidates it has been a great puzzle to submit on line application ,scanning photos, signatures, etc which is a lengthy and expensive. Private people charging hundreds of rupees for this work in rural areas.  OFF line submission option like MTS is required for such candidates. Exam fee for Rs.500/- is  to be revised for EBC people.  
6)      If it has been provided by accepting manuscript details of candidates along with   e_payment  (or) UCR  at all post offices and data entry at HO / DO level is the better option  and which is useful and easy for candidates.
7)      As per notification Posts are in thousands but applicants  as on date perhaps below 2 Lakhs (this is not a correct figure)  nation wide.
8)      Fee acceptance through  Credit / Debit card is convenient for online submissions.

  Some Postal unions are expressed the difficulties for online submissions to the Directorate.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) MTS Exam – 2013  Question Papers:-   CLICK  AND PRACTICE BELOW :

Income Tax Offices shall remain open on 29th, 30th and 31st of March, 2014

 The Financial Year 2013-14 closes on 31.3.2014. In view of closer of office on 29th and 30th of March being Saturday and Sunday and also on 31st March at some stations being Gudi Padava, Ugadi etc. the field Income Tax Offices through-out India shall remain open and the receipts counters shall also work during normal office hours on 29th, 30th and 31st of March, 2014. This direction is issued for administrative convenience by the Central Board of Direct Taxes in exercise of powers conferred under section 119 of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
DO YOU THINK AT LEAST GPOs & HOs  shall open on these days for acceptance of last minute business of TAX SAVINGS BY Customers ??????? 
POSTMASTERS  NOW   ACCEPT  PLI – NEW PROPOSALS,  Settlement of Claims  –  Duties assigned to  POSTMASTERS. –  PLI RULES amended:   
Now  acceptance of  PLI proposals are easy. Customers are definitely happy with this issue becasue now the PLI new proposals accepting  process at  D.Os/ C.Os are time consuming/delay.  But at the same time  the other new work burdens are assigned to the Postmasters.  VIEW ORDERS

Monday, March 24, 2014

Vijayawada  (Gandhinagar) :  Work shop on CBS marketing :-

IIAM (Integral Inst of Advanced Management),Visakhapatnam has conducted work shop on CBS marketing and other marketing issues of  modern technology at conference hall in R.O, Vijayawada. Sri R.C Naik, Director(IIAM) and other Postal officials participated in the work shop.  Nearly 40 postal employees trained in this work shop.  

Friday, March 21, 2014

SB order  04/2014 released :  Change of  SB interest rates wef   01.04.2014.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Central Civil Service (Joining Time) Amendment Rules, 1989: Earned Leave with unavailed Joining Time allowed to be credited shall not exceed 240 days.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Enhancement in the rates of various allowances by 25% consequent upon Dearness Allowance crossing 100%: AIRF writes to Railway Board

All India Railwaymen’s Federation
4, State Entry Road, New Delhi-110055
Dated: March 10, 2014

The Secretary(E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Sub: Enhancement in the rates of various allowances by 25% consequent upon Dearness Allowance crossing100%
Ref.: Railway Board’s letter No.F(E)I/2011/AL-28/18 dated 13.06.2011(RBE No.87) and E(P&A) I-2011/SP-1/Misc.1 dated 13.06.2011(RBE No.88/2011)

The VI CPC in their report had recommended that certain allowances, viz. Children Education Allowance, NationalHoliday Allowance, Daily Allowance, Washing Allowance, Breakdown Allowance, Special Compensatory Allowance, Cycle Maintenance Allowance, Fixed Conveyance Allowance, Road Mileage Allowance, Special Allowance to various categories of staff etc., should be increased by 25% whenever Dearness Allowance crosses 50%, and this recommendation was duly accepted by the Government of India.

Based on the above recommendation of the VI CPC, these allowances have since been enhanced by 25% w.e.f. 01.01.2011, i.e. from the date, Dearness Allowance having been crossed 50%.

Now, Dearness Allowance has crossed 100% w.e.f. 01.01.2014, there is, therefore, gross justification that the above allowances be further enhanced by additional 25%, as Dearness Allowance has again crossed the value of 50% after enhancement of these allowances w.e.f.01.01.2011.

The Board are, therefore, requested to issue necessary instruction to this effect an early date

Yours faithfully,
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
General Secretary

Monday, March 10, 2014

MINISTRY OF  Health and Family Welfare Released Press note on  the issue of  denying credit basis by Private empanneled CGHS Hospitals.  : 

There have been reports in the Media that private hospitals on the panel of CGHS are denying credit facilities to the eligible CGHS beneficiaries for delay in settlement of hospitals bills. Lower package rates and inadmissible deductions etc. have also been reported to be the other reasons for withdrawal of agreed cashless credit facilities. 

In this regard, the CGHS beneficiaries are advised not to be guided by such misleading information. Delay in payments in the last quarter of the financial year due to budgetary constraints is not a new phenomenon and the hospitals are aware of it. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has taken special steps and the pendency is likely to be cleared within a week.  CGHS has already invited bids for revision of package rates through a transparent tender process. The last date for submission of bids is 10th March, 2014. Measures have also been taken to streamline the payment related issues in the ensuing empanelment process. 

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare will ensure that the CGHS empanelled private hospitals continue to extend cashless /credit facilities to the eligible CGHS beneficiaries in compliance with the terms and conditions as laid down in the Memorandum of Agreement signed by them with CGHS. As per the information received by the Ministry, most of the private hospitals are continuing to extend the cashless facilities to the CGHS beneficiaries. 
//PIB press release//

Thursday, March 6, 2014

GPF interest rate8.7 % for the next year 2014-15 :

Thursday, March 06, 2014

Government deductors get relief from fee u/s 234E for late submission of TDS statement

Press Information Bureau 
Government of India
Ministry of Finance 

06-March-2014 16:54 IST

Due-Date of Filing of TDS/TCS Statements for FY 2012-13 (2nd to 4th Quarter) and FY 2013-14 (1st to 3rd Quarter) Extended upto 31.03.2014 in the Case of Government Deductors 

The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) had received several petitions from various deductors requesting waiver of fee levied u/s 234E of the Income-tax Act for delay in filing of TDS/TCS statements. It was stated that the delay was because of certain difficulties being faced by the Government deductors for reasons beyond their control. 

On a consideration of the difficulties being cited by the deductors, the CBDT has decided, as a one-time exception, to ex-post facto extend the due date of filing of TDS/TCS statements for FY 2012-13 (2nd to 4th Quarter) and FY 2013-14 (1st to 3rd Quarter) to 31.03.2014 in the case of Government deductors. This will have an effect of automatic waiver of the fee u/s 234E so levied. However, any fee already paid by a Government deductor shall not be refunded. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Revision of Interest Rates for Small Savings Schemes for the Financial Year 2014-15

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Revision of Interest Rates for Small Savings Schemes for the Financial Year 2014-15 Announced

            Various decisions taken by the Government of India on the recommendations of the Shyamala Gopinath Committee for Comprehensive Review of National Small Savings Fund (NSSF), were communicated to all concerned by the Government through its Office Memorandum dated 11th November, 2011.

            One of the decisions of the Government based on the recommendations of the Committee relates to revision of interest rates every financial year, to be notified before 1st April of that year.  Accordingly with the approval of the Finance Minister, the rates of interest on various small savings schemes for the Financial Year 2014-15 effective from 01.04.2014, on the basis of the interest compounding/payment built-in in the schemes, shall be as under :

Rate of interest w.e.f.01.04.2013
Rate of Interest w.e.f. 01.04.2014
Savings Deposit
1 Year Time Deposit
2 Year Time Deposit
3 Year Time Deposit
5 Year Time Deposit
5 Year Recurring Deposit
5 Year SCSS
5 Year MIS
5 Year NSC
10 Year NSC

        In connection with non receipt of  COD (cash on delivery) information many  parcels are held at Post offices.  Hence the following  procedure is to be followed as per the Directorate orders:-    If booking data is still not found available, complete details like barcode number, address of sender/recipient, COD amount, Biller-id, etc. would be recorded date wise in a register.  Such articles can be delivered and COD amount written on article would be collected from the customer.  It is has to be ensured that no commission or any other charge is collected from the customer.     The amount collected would be accounted in the delivery post office as prescribed for COD amount.  The amount so collected from the customer would be sent through Service Money Order, separately for each COD article, to the Postmaster of office of payment.  Barcode number of COD article, Type (Express/Business Parcel), address of customer to whom COD article was delivered would be mentioned in message box.

        Above procedure would also be followed for articles where delivery has taken place but cash has not been remitted to the e-biller.

 These instructions would be only applicable for COD articles received in Post offices till 31.03.2014 and pending for delivery. 

Sunday, March 2, 2014

AP Circle :: Unfilled vacancies of LGO 2011 and 2012 to be offered  to GDS along with DR-2013-Divisions will issue  Notification 

A.P. Circle :  POSTMAN / MAIL GUARD – Direct Recruitment Vacancies      (Notification will be issued ) :-