Friday, July 8, 2016

PROMOTION ISSUES DUE TO FORMATION OF  “TELANGANA” CIRCLE  :-All   DPCs  for Promotions may  have a chance to held up due to  bifurcation of  A.P Circle. Now A.P circle  is under the process for conduction of  DPCs for promotion to the cadre of PS Gr-B, LSG, HSG-I, HSG-II, Postmaster Grade-II , Postmaster Grade-III and One time measure promotions of   Postmaster grade II/III.  The Circle bifurcation order came into force from 01.07.2016.  Hence conduction of DPCs for these promotions comes under doubt?? and leads some  legal issues. Even the directorate not ordered to stop the running process of DPCs.

1 comment:

  1. Yes sir, The DPCs have to be conducted separately for Telangana Circle and AP Circle. The Delay in conducting the DPC might have happened due to the issue of Bifurcation of circles only. However orders released from Directorate. The issue will be settled only after resolving the issues related to calling for options and allotment of staff to the two circle. But the DPCs for Regular Promotions to be conducted first and basing on the filling up of the posts on regular posts, the resultant vacant posts have to be filled up with One time relaxation DPC. Then it will be more beneficiary in the context of One Time Relaxation.
