Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Filling the option form (7th CPC) : By selecting on Promotion /  MACP Up gradation option:-

The scheme of MACP is new at this time for revised pay fixation point of view. And there is no clear cut fixation illustrations supplied by CPC report for MACP option issues.  So many doubts arises on option issue. But it is clarified that  the pay fixation for Promotion and  MACP up gradation is same.  5.1.44 CPC report cleared that  Fixation of pay will follow the same principle as that for a regular promotion  in the pay matrix.  By giving option one can opt to fix his/her pay  w.e.f  01.01.2016.(or)  later date of his/her promotion / upgradation (MACP).date.

[See rule 6 (2)]
*1. I, ____________________________________________ hereby elect the revised pay structure with effect
from 1st January, 2016.
*2. I, ____________________________________________ hereby elect to continue on Pay Band and Grade
Pay of my substantive / officiating post mentioned below until:
* the date of my next increment / the date of my subsequent increment raising my pay to
Rs. ___________________ / I vacate or cease to draw pay in the existing pay structure / the date of my
Promotion / up gradation to the post of _______________________.
Existing Pay Band and Grade Pay_____________________________________
Name ______________________________
Office in which employed
As per the following fixation there will be a difference in Pay by opting “the date of my Promotion / up gradation” . 
Mr.  X
Mr. Y
Let he is drawing Rs.16000 (G.Pay 2800) and MACP-2 upgradation on 01.10.2015.
His pay on this  promotion is (16000+480+1400=17880)
Let he is drawing same pay  Rs.16000 (G.Pay 2800) and got MACP-2 on 01.03.2016.
Pay fixation on their date of promotions:-
Mr. X : 01.01.2016  pay 17880*2.57= 45952 fixed in matrix at 46200 (6 level 4200)
Mr. Y : 01.01.2016  pay 16000. Opted to continue on old pay till his MACP date.

01.03.2016 : 16000+480+1400= 17880
(Pay fixation on MACP)
17880*2.57 =  45952 fixed in matrix at 46200 (6 level 4200)

This option will beneficial to Mr.Y around Rs.3000/-per month . But Mr.Y lose arrears from January-2016 to MACP date . He can opt to fix his pay on accrual of increment also. Please see the below Post even he draws more pay i.e 16010 his pay is Less due to wrong option. (prepared by : M.S.Reddy, Ex-Accountant).

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