Friday, August 25, 2017

One time Relaxation  for  rule 38 transfers :  Posting orders issued by Hyderabad city  Division. 

Ganapathi puja  at  Trimulgherry (Hyderabad) H.O by Sri YSR Srinivasulu, PM Gr-III

M.Sreenivas reddy on his promotion to Postmaster Grade-II to  Sanjeev reddy nagar Post office, Hyderabad. Send off party by  staff  at Sringar colony Post office. 

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Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Un settled anomaly  on   MACP   granting issue to some cadre  even 7th  CPC implementations:
Modified  Assured career progression Scheme (MACP) for central govt. civilian employees   counted  from  (1)  on completion of 10,20 and  30 years of  service – for Direct entry grade.
         (2)   spent 10 years continuously in the same grade- pay.
Let us discuss  MACP  -  with two cases  one is for  direct entry   and  other is  Promotion case (LDCE) in Postal dept.
CASE:01    :     Direct  entry  ( Through  Exam):
                       Let Mr.X  joined in  postal dept . as  Postal Assistant (PA)  as direct candidate on  27.4.1997 grade pay  is Rs. 2400/-   let he has not get any promotions till date.      

1.      DOE:      27.04.1997 : 2400
2.     MACP- I  :  01.09.2008    ( implementation of MACP date) : Rs.2800/-
3.     MACP-II   : 27.04.2017  ( let he has  nil   n.q.s.) (20 YEARS OF Q.S)  : G.Pay ; Rs.4200/-
4.     MACP-III   27.04.2027 ( 10 YEARS FROM MACP-II  OR 30 YEARS OF Q.S):
CASE:02 :      Promotion through departmental exam from Postman to PA:-
            Let  Mr.Y joined in the dept. as  Postman on  01.01.1992 Rs. 2000.  He got promotion as Postal Assistant (PA)  on   27.04.1997  Rs.2800/-  Let he has not get any other promotions till date.

1.     DOE;  01.01.1997  (Postman) : Gpay: 2000
2.     Promotion (PA): 27.04.1997:  MACP-I  (first promotion taken as Macp-i) : 2400
3.     MACP:II   :   01.09.2008  ( implementation of  MACP )  ;; Rs. 2800/-
4.     MACP-III  ;   01.09.2018  : (  after 10 years spent in same grade pay); Rs 4200/-
5.     27.04.2017 :;   No  further MACP:
Even in   7th CPC  implementations this heavy  Loss causes to  many promo tees not settled.  when a person got promotion even having same service on par with other direct candidates facing heavy loss under MACP fixations.   The stagnation of  pay should be settled.   //by: M.S.Reddy: ex –Accountant (PO&RMS): Hyderabad-73//


Friday, June 16, 2017

                       TELUGU  LEGENDARY WRITER  "CENARE"
                        ( SINGIREDDY NARAYANA REDDY ) DIVI KEGI CENARE..........




Saturday, June 3, 2017

                  Fixation of  Pay on Promotion / MACP :-

Let  ‘X’  Postmaster Grade-I  official drawing  Pay  Rs. 44100/- wef 01.07.2016 in the  pay band 5200-20200 grade pay 2800 pay matrix level  5 promoted on 25.05.2017 to Pay in Pay band  9300-34800 grade pay Rs. 4200/- pay matrix level 6 of Postmaster Grade-II./MACP-II.
44100 (RS)
Notional Increment:3%
Fix at Paymatrix level 6 grade pay 4200/-
46200        WITH DNI:01.01.2018

44100 (RS)
(44900)     Next above in level 6. No fixation of pay
01.07.2017 (regular inct)
01.07.2017: Pay fixation: one NI+ fix at level 6
46800--à>at level 6à fix Rs. 47600  . 

NOTE:-  Those who are currently drawing increment in  JULY on promotion between January to June    opt to fix pay after accrual of increment  is beneficial . //M.S.Reddy , ex-Accountant (P.O & RMS), Hyderabad city//

Friday, June 2, 2017


Civil services – 2016  - TOP-3   and other  Telugu toppers:  More than 90 Telugu persons got very good ranks in  Indian Civil Service exam- 2016.  Congratulations to all & welcoming for better service to the Nation.

Here’s how Indians will benefit from GST

 India is ready for the rollout of Goods and Services Tax (GST) from July 1st, 2017. GST will impact businesses of all scale and sizes and transform the corporate landscape. Most of all, the new tax regime will bring in more transparency, increase efficiencies and enhance the ease of doing business in India. Naturally, the life of us citizens will alter to a large extent.
Items of daily use could now be cheaper
One ongoing concern about the GST impact was the pricing factor of goods and services of daily use.  However, the latest announcement by the GST council that has released the tax rate for 1211 items spells good news for the common man. The tax rate on 81% items of daily use has been capped at 18%, which is a modest rate of tax. In the services sector, 90% of services have been put in the 18% tax bracket, and 63 essential services including education, healthcare, select Government services are exempt from tax. Overall, the GST is pro-growth as it is expected to reduce the tax burden on consumers.
What is cheaper :: Keeping in mind the needs of the average Indian men and women, items such as fresh vegetables, meat, jaggery, honey, papad, prasadam, bindi, and sindoor have been exempted from GST. Essential services like education and healthcare being kept out of the GST ambit. Travel by metro, hotels with a tariff below ₹1000 and religious travels have also been exempt from GST.
If this list seems skewed towards the rural and semi-urban populace, the urban city dwellers don’t have much to worry about as items synonymous with the urbane such as mineral water, tissues, ice cream, jams and sauces, cake and pastries, pasta and soup, preserved vegetables and cornflakes remain in the tax bracket of 18%. The urban populace has further reason to rejoice as restaurants and watching movies will become cheaper as they come under the 18% tax bracket, a drop from 22-25% earlier. Non-AC restaurants, however, have been granted the leeway of charging 12% GST on food bill.
Economy class airfares are also expected to come down as they will now fall in the 5% tax bracket. The 5% tax rate is also applicable to radio taxi service providers. However, business class airfares will attract a GST of 12% and premium hotel accommodation will attract GST of 28%.
What is expensive : Items that will attract the highest tax include aerated drinks, pan masala, dishwashers, washing machines and weighing machines, shampoo, deodorants, paints, dye and ceramic tiles. Also becoming dearer are financial transactions (banking charges, insurance premiums and other fees), online shopping, courier services, school fees, Wi-Fi and DTH services. The list released by the GST council thus far is indicative of the fact that the common man on the street will not have to shell out more money to feed his family. In fact, there will be a likely reduction in costs on items of daily use.
The GST slabs on services, however, has been a tad disappointing especially for the urban dweller who is disoriented at the moment as he will soon be expected to shell out more for banking transactions and use of the internet. This seemingly goes against the Government push on the usage of online banking services and digital India.
Scepticism alive  on multiple rates
One of the major contentions of GST between Government officials on one hand and policymakers and economists, on the other hand, has been on the rate of inflation after GST implementation. International experiences in countries such as Singapore and Malaysia has shown that GST has stoked up inflation considerably at least in the short term. If India faces similar inflationary pressures as a result of GST implementation, the central bank will have little choice but to cut interest rates to prop up growth.
However, Government officials, including the Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, seem confident that GST implementation will not be inflationary. as a majority of items that thus far attracted a tax rate of 32% will now be subject to a lower tax of 28%. They also believe that since service providers will benefit from input tax credit the effective tax rates will be lower.

The attempt at pacification is not enough as of now. Complexities have increased for the services sector that accounts for more than half of India’s economy as there are multiple rates being levied in the same sector. For example, hotels and restaurants will be charged on their rooms tariffs and turnover. Therefore, eating out in a non-air conditioned restaurant or staying in a cheap hotel room may work out to be cheaper while dining in style and staying in a luxury hotel may turn out to be more expensive than before. The Government, however, defends its stance saying that different economic sections cannot be taxed under a uniform tax regime .  source:: //

Saturday, May 27, 2017


Thursday, May 25, 2017

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Some CSI  issues not settled under Hyderabad city division after roll out on 24.04.2017.
CSI  :: Problems
1.     Server slow issues
2.     PLI/RPLI figures not effecting in to Treasury.
3.     This is said that user mismatch of Mcmamish and CSI. Even user matched cases also the problem continuing. TCS temporary solution is to made legacy adjustments at Pos.Is this correct procedure to clarify.
4.     Pos (point of sale) figures are Jumping (plus and minus) due to net work issues. Results Wrong figures in TCB.
5.     Invalid license  in POS, Back office etc. (Pos & back office not opening) .This is coming after holiday.
6.     More than one log in entries under SAP is allowing for single user at other systems at a time.
7.     Opening balance/ CB not tallying  issues
8.     How to Register bulk mailers in POS (prepaid bulk booking, Bulk booking options)
9.     At Pos coutner: each and every Regd letter booking ACK check up.
10.                        There is no separate branch like Regd, Speed, Parcel etc. Only Batch1 , Batch2 supplied by TCS. But in post offices there is a branch for Regd, speed, parcel. When articles are invoiced in Batch 1 all articles to be taken in this batch only at the time of Post man returns.
11.                        No provision or  CD Letter or Parcel ordinary mail cash.
12.                         How to deliver bulk mailers in DPMS by postman. This is required for delivery of bulk mail to Banks/ karvey/universities/RTI/secretariat etc.,
13.                        In DPMS : Missent / return articles flow to back office are not at a time.
14.                        For non matching of Mccamish in some Post offices  the figures are not reflecting to POS (Point of sale).  Cash adjustments are doing in Sanchay post legacy posting. This is acceptable procedure or not . clarification required
15.                        T-code: Zfbl3n:  TCB print out is not compatible.
16.                        Clarification required Whether VPMO rebooked  at Pos (or) Z-vpmo Upload is enough.
17.                        Transaction reports like, EMOs booking, telephone bills acceptance , emo paid etc required to  be Send to HO (or) not
18.                        No provision for  UCR. It requires for
Excess cash found in transactions /EMD credits/sale of old stock/credits for black wax fee ect.
19.                        NO provision for UCP. It requires for Refund of tender fee/EMD refund /percontra adjustments .
20.                        In SSL  employees are not correctly attached to their offices.  Some emp. Names are not appearing in staff scheduling.
21.                        Emploees portal; Wrong data entries Some are early retiring (or) some are Late retiring. Wrong date of joining and details. Due to wrong data entries of DOB, DOR, leave credits. The Employees are no in a position to apply leave through Portal.
22.                        In DPMS the postman beat invoicing is programmed on BATCH based. Due to this Different users working in Same batch  invoiced RL,SP, RP coming to all users under same batch.  And all items can print in  single (or) can print for separate lists for RL, SP, RP etc.  i.e one user data is accessible to other  to take return (or) modify. Rather than BATCH, USER BASED data access required. i.e other user cannot access one users entries.  (those who invoice is responsible to take returns also)
23.                        Cancellation for VPMO rebooking provision
24.                        F&A:- Hyd city Dvn LSG/Gr-I and above postmasters have cheque drawal powers. RBI cqs  drawn and paid to the  customers. This provision is not available .
25.                        Cheque request from HO procedure is cumbersome. More than 38 steps for single cq request.  For want of more cheques request entire time will waste.
26.                        CD letter mail amount  at treasury receive cash from postman issues:- In some case even cash from postman document generated items not reflecting in TCBS.
27.                        Stamp indent receipt process should be minimized.
28.                        In ward / out ward cq clearing process required. Such a process is not following at HO. Manual OSLs posting under GL voucher poting template
29.                        Under GPO the POSB cqs are taken as material stock. Under K’bad such cqs are not taken under material balance. Due to this issue the Postmasters are not in a position to issue PO SB cq to customers. Procedure  required.
30.                        Clarification sought whether RBI cqs drawn power given to  some offices continues (or) not in CSI
31.                        NSP1 /NSP2 issues/ low band width etc
32.                        UPS/ infrastructure problems
33.                        At Point of sale some office PIN codes are not accepting. Error message as the sender  city name and  PIN code is mismatch.Ex. if sender belongs to SNIE PO with pin code: 500018. This pin code  is not accepting while booking at Pos.
34.                        Some Postman/PAs names missing in their post offices. Several requests for adding to them. No action.  (missing staff in Staff scheduling)
35.                        In DPMS when ever any postman went on leave if making leave entry Beat invoicing problems. Hence almost all post offices are not entering leave entries in DPMS
36.                        Cash on Delivery  even generated the document number sometimes not properly incorporating in treasury .
37.                        The work flow in DPMS for cash on delivery is : postman invoice, return , EOD, cash to treasrury, Treasury submit accounts. But flow should be  completed by last entry  should  be EOD.
38.                        In telangana circle tie up with state govt. for sale of Non judicial stamps. Stock of this papers brought under material balance.  Sale procedure is not  provided by the vendor.
39.                        Rather than dot matrix printers  Mini printers with  two receipt generation (with automatic bar code generation) required. One should be given to customer and one should be stapled to article.  (The MPCM gum sticker usage should be avoided)
40.                        All reports are suitable for  laser printers only. But in reports option (for postman DPMS etc.,)  file conversion menus with for word/ note pad should be provided. Now such a provision is there but not in complete mode.
41.                        BULK invoicing to customer should be provided.
42.                        Bulk booking customer ID creation should be provided.
43.                        BNPL booking provision for Intermediate, X class,CBSE etc  should be created at Pos level.
44.                        In daily account under Zfr_day_new  time is showing as 00.00.00 whether it should be correctly supplied or should be removed.
45.                        At back office  Even no cash available in  back office for return to F & A it is accepting entry.( i.e  if an amount was entered to F&A even  though no cash at back office. Such amount is directly credit  in to  Treasury). This should be avoided with caution NO Cash  to submit F& A etc. required.
46.                        At Pos deletion for Rebooking MOs required.( if any wrong entry for rebooking of BO or VPMO provision for deletion  option before verification required. Now provision for rebooking is available. But cancellation is required)
47.                        In DPMS under bag receipt option no ordinary parcel bag receipt available. All parcel should be receivable under Express parcel option only.  This should be changed.
48.                        Sub office  summary  for  SMR purpose required.  Other wise it is difficult to arrive grand totals of monthly figures. (or) clarification required whether SOs have to submit SMR or not.
49.                        Automatic generation of daily account with all transaction heads (zfr_day_new)  with out GL  voucher entry required.
50.                        DPMS Postman EOD issues. Even EOD done (remarks with EOD successfully) for a  beat the next day it is throwing  an error “EOD not done on date  …..” etc and not allowing to beat invoicing  in that beat.  Due to this some beats are held up for invoicing.
51.                        The print font for Postman delivery slip (DPMS) should be increased . Due to small font size it is causing inconvenience to Postman staff .At least the article number should be in large font.
52.                        In place of EOD for individual beats  (DPMS) single EOD opting with remarks “ the beat X returns not taken EOD not done” etc required (for more no of beats Ex:for 20 or 30 and above beats supervisor this number of times enter and verify the returns at the edge of working hours.
53.                        Abstract for Reg/speed/parcel not coming correctly. Taking wrong balances.
54.                        When ever any liability document generated (payment through cq receipt from HO to SO) the figures are not reflecting in neither in S.O daily account nor at HO summary. Due to this the Daily account for S.O not tallying.
55.                        Material balances differences not settled till date .
56.                        Status updating  of  articles (DPMS) after taking returns and EOD at cite is very slow.
57.                         Rather than call to toll free number by all employees one control room at Dvl office level to pursue CSI issues.
58.                        Bulk customer (walk in ) creation and deletion option should be provided at Sub office Level. On demand Sub office will create bulk new customer and if not required delete the same.
59.                         Consolidation of all Sub office summary provision at H.O level. Required.
60.                         H.O has to take print out of all offices Daily accounts (as per CSI orders), finacle reports (LOTs, Consolidation reports) to curtail A4 paper usage (or) supply adequate A4 papers to S.Os on demand.