Monday, September 30, 2013


We know that a lot of anomalies pending in front of National Anomaly Committee.Few of them were solved and remaining anomalies will be discussed in the next NAC meeting.Even though central govt announced 7th CPC.It is a amicable news for CG employees.This is the time to speak out the problems we faced in 6th CPC through social media and blogs.Child Care Leave is one of the important issue to male central government employees.  During important moments i.e the child's ill health , the child's important examination days the 6th pay commission has paved way for the mother to be by the childs sideby, the introduction of the plan known as CCL it has been whole heartedly welcomed by one and all .  Having borne in its mind that todays childcare the sculptors of tomorrows modern India, the central government has given this CCL which is a formidable concession. Of the couples who got to work to earn their living ,those of them who are both central govt employees are very few.   In certain families the husband will be a central govt employee while the wife may work in a private firm.  In some others the husband may work in a private firm while his spouse may work in a central govt institution

For instance let us keep in mind that the husband is a central govt employee and his wife works in a private institution the critend is that they would not reap the beneath of CCL as it as certained only to the female central govt employee.  We are all very well aware that the children need the warmth and care of both parents in equal measures.If it is so why then the central govt has not allotted CCL for their male employees.  During pregnancy time the female central govt employee are given maternity leave On similar basis the male employees are given paternity leave.This seems to be acceptable to a certain extent. But [to say frankly] the allotment of CCL only to the female central govt employee is not acceptable.

It is the same payment for same work for both the female and male employees in a central govt institution. Similarly the concessions given should be in common for both of them. If a female employee is given two years CCL the male employee also can be given nearly the same if not equal.  There are grounds on which a male central govt employee loses his wife or he diverse why hasn't the govt not taken in to consideration the condition of their children.Henceforth ccl should be given to the male central govt employees though certain conditions can be imposed. Only then the reason for which this concession (ccl) has been introduced could be realised to it full extent. Source :

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