Friday, December 27, 2013

 Center for Excellence in Postal Technology, Mysore is making constant efforts to improve the quality of  software to provide best services.  As part of this activity, CEPT reviewed the performance of e-MO software and brought in certain changes.  One of the major difficulty noticed is about the non updation of data in the datacentre in respect of paid money orders.   The problem has been rectified and a new software has been released to rectify this problem.   
      The modified software has been uploaded on the ftp site at location:
     The revised software will examine the health of the file while communicating to the Central Server and automatically resolve some errors so that status of all eMOs of the office is updated at data center. As such this revised application will minimize the transmission errors relating to booking, redirection and paid eMOs.   The steps to be followed for installation of the revised software is furnished in the Readme file kept along with the application.  // Support , Center for Excellence in Postal Technology//


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