Wednesday, February 27, 2019

No. AIPAEA/CHQ/2019 Dated 25.02.2019
Shri A.N. Nanda,
Secretary (Posts) & Chairman PS Board,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan,
New Delhi- 110 001.
Sub: - Decentralization of Postal Accounts – Protest day on 27.02.2019 – Regarding. 
Respected Sir,
I wish to bring to your kind notice the anguish of the employees of the Postal 
Accounts over the decision to decentralize the Postal Accounts. It is very unfortunate 
that such a decision which is having far reaching consequences on the structure of the 
Postal Accounts and its functioning has been taken without taking the views of the Staff 
Side into consideration. This Association is observing the protest day on 27.02.2019 to 
bring to your kind notice the agitated feelings of the Postal Accounts Staff. 
In the year 1987, when the use of technology was in the nascent stage, the Postal 
Department has decided to deploy the Staff of the Postal Accounts to the field units. As 
that experiment was not successful, it was withdrawn. Realizing fully well that the 
centralized PAO set up can only effectively plug the financial loopholes; it has been 
assured time and again that there will be no decentralization of the Postal Accounts. 
I submit that, the Department has deployed the most modern IT tools and this 
will obliterate the need for any physical deployment of personnel. The proximity of the 
maker and checker will reduce the effectiveness of the checks and it will neither serve 
the interest of the Department nor the Staff. 
Hence, I earnestly request you to kindly reconsider the decision of deployment of 
manpower from DAP to Head Office / Divisional Office for pre-check of all kind of 
vouchers and concurrent audit in the post CSI scenario. I also request you to kindly 
direct the concerned to initiate a dialogue with the Staff Side immediately. 
With Regards, 
Yours Sincerely
General Secretary
Copy to:
1. The JS&FA, Department of Posts, New Delhi for necessary action.
2. The Sr. DDG (PAF), Department of Posts, New Delhi for necessary action.

3. Secretary General, NFPE, North Avenue, New Delhi. 

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